Recall Alert for Series I Adapter
Skylight is voluntarily recalling the Series I adapter for its Skylight digital photo frame in cooperation with the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission.
To view the US CPSC Notice or our FAQs please click on the link in the menu bar.
How do I know if my adapter is part of this recall?
The Series I adapter may be identified by a circular indentation on the side of the plastic enclosure - as pictured below.
Adapters that do not fit this description are not included in the recall. If you do not have a Series I adapter, pictured above, no further action is required.
If you have a Series I adapter, please stop using immediately.
To receive a free replacement adapter, please click the Get Started button and follow the steps outlined. In order to receive your free replacement adapter, you must properly dispose of your Series I adapter.
Please note: your USB cord is not part of the recall, and will be compatible with your new replacement adapter. Please do not throw it away.
Step 4: Provide your shipping and contact information
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If you are sure that the address information in this form is correct, please check this box to continue.
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Please carefully review the information above. When you are satisfied that all the information is correct, hit Submit.
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